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Placed Australia

How to Eat an Elephant - The Strategy of Real Estate Sales

Updated: Sep 9

(No Real Elephants were harmed in writing this article)

Let's be brutally honest, you got into Real Estate, or thinking too, to make as much money as possible, right? That's totally ok and we understand. It's a great reason to choose this career path...

Being motivated to join the Real Estate industry and risk your secure income to sell property for big commissions is an amazing way to make fantastic money for you and your family. It does take a certain mindset that not everyone has the appetite for. You should not be ashamed to tell people you got into Real Estate to make big money. What a great reason to work hard...

Some Sales Agents will tell you they got into Real Estate because they wanted to make a difference and do things differently... I call BS. They got into Real Estate to make big money, let's be real!

The art of making big money in Real Estate on the other hand, is not a simple formula. If you don't get the right training and have the right ongoing support, you can find yourself out on a limb. Some Agents do it better than others and monitoring the REB top 100 Agents lists each year, seems like the only scoreboard for all other Agents to follow. It's a great indicator of who's got it right, who's doing well at it and how...

Just because you got your Real Estate License and got yourself a Job in Real Estate does not automatically ensure you are going to make big money either. 82% of people that join the industry fail in their first 12-18 months...why? Because they try to eat the whole Elephant...

What do eating Elephants have to do with anything?

As specialist Real Estate Recruiters, we come across so many Agents trying to eat the whole Elephant. Becoming successful at Selling Real Estate is an enormous task. Some Agents think that the only way for them to be successful is to eat the whole thing themselves (be their own Agent and go at it alone). Some do and struggle through, but inevitably get sick and tired and when faced with more Elephants to eat, can no longer sit at the table to take it all on... it's too much...

By reading through the REB top 100 lists, you will soon realise that the top-performing Agents have been at it for years. They didn't start Real Estate in the past 18 months. They have carefully recruited Teams to help them, usually backed by an Agency Brand with the right systems to make the work easier. They have come to realise that trying to eat the whole Elephant, all the time, only makes them fat and slow and if they want to perform at their best, they need to delegate. Volume is the key in the Real Estate game. The top Agents invite their team around for dinner!

When you factor in what's involved and break it down, you soon realise why having an established Agency with experts in place to take on their piece of the Elephant, then the tasks is not so monumental, no one get's too full, no one get's sick and they can take on several sittings each month and everyone knows their part...

How top-performing Agents break up the Elephant:

  1. Lead Generation to help win more listings (An Associate or 2 to keep the pipeline full).

  2. Recognised Brand structure to make winning listings that bit easier (Marketing & Systems).

  3. Additional Leads from the Property Management Team (Cream that is welcomed).

  4. Property Management experts for your investor buyers.

  5. Social Media Marketers who are experts at reaching your audience.

  6. Mentorship and guidance from experts within the Agency network.

  7. Intel on the current market, prices, data and reports the Agency can prepare for you.

  8. PA or EA to take care of everything to do with managing your time effectively.

  9. Mining your data properly and consistently with super-expensive tools that make this easy.

  10. Videographer & Photography expert to make sure the listing looks amazing to sell.

  11. Maintenance and Property Trade contacts to help Sellers get their property ready to sell.

  12. Amazing Staging contacts to make the properties stand out to buyers.

  13. Meticulous follow-up systems in place and a team trained to action each part.

  14. Team available around the clock to action enquiry on the property.

  15. Team available and trained for each open home or Auction, to work on Buyers.

  16. Access to a top-performing Auctioneer in-house or externally.

  17. Strong track-record to demonstrate how the team works to get the best result for a property.

  18. Support from the Agency in closing, Contracts Administration and processing.

  19. Doing all of this whilst still working on other deals.

How can you possibly compete if your trying to do all of this alone...all the time...

There is much, much more to it, but If you have been wondering why some Real Estate Sales Agents are more successful than others, you only have to look at the list above to realise that by breaking up each piece of the Elephant into bite sized chunks and having the right team in place to invite for dinner, makes short work of big tasks.

The best Agents have the best help and support. Simple!

How many Elephants can you eat each year?

Can you eat it all yourself? can try...but how long will it take you? Will you feel up to eating another Elephant straight after the first? This is why you will see some Agents who have been in Real Estate for a few years who only sell 7 or so properties a year and others with the right team and support selling 30 to 70 + a year... It's not rocket science.

If you have been trying to eat the whole Elephant, and have come to realise from reading this article that it may be time for you to join an Agency that can help you achieve so much more than trying to do it all on your own, please reach out to any one of the Team at Placed Australia Real Estate Recruitment today. Our service is free to Job Seekers.

We have amazing professional relationships with most of the top-performing Real Estate Agencies in the country and can easily open the door for Agents that have come to realise that selling Real Estate at the top-level is a team effort, not just individual sport.

Trying to eat the whole Elephant might seem like the most rewarding path at first...but in time, when you really look at the most successful strategies to sell the most properties each year, it will become obvious what works. When that realisation jumps out at us...


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