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Placed Australia

End of Financial Year Shake-up - When is the best time to move to a new Agency?

Updated: 3 days ago

For most Agents who sell Real Estate, End of Financial Year can be a daunting time as it reveals the truth about how much money you made in the past 12-months...

For some Agents, they will look back on their earnings over the past year and have to make a decision if staying where they are is going to result in anything different in the next 12-months. For others, they will be happy with their results and looking forward to ramping-up even more, building out their team and crushing it...

Most Agents we speak with, that are happy in their role, tell us that it comes down to the team they work with and their drive to make selling Real Estate a success. They understand that hitting big numbers takes a mountain of behind the scenes work and if you don't have access to a team that knows how to help you at each step, then making the decision to move to a team that can, was the most essential aspect to their success...

No Agent can make selling Real Estate a success if their not doing the work, but if you are doing the work, and you still can't seem to break through that earning threshold you expected, then in some cases, a change of environment could mean a huge increase in you ability to sell more...

Sure, there are numerous market factors that Agents can blame for their performance like higher interest rates etc, although lots of property still transacts, and some Agents are selling more now than they ever have before. Why? Because they are doing the work, have the right training and mentorship and found a team that has their back...

Make no mistake, selling Real Estate is a team effort. If you have had the sinking feeling that where you are is not working for you, then only you can change it. You have to take steps. It might be the right time to reach out to a Recruiter @ Placed Australia and have a chat about what other Agency's could help you move the needle and double or even triple your GCI in the next 12-months...

Even some Agency Principals are making decisions on whether to stay with the Agency brand they're with or move to a different one. Some networks sell the dream but the reality can be much different. We can help here too. It's true, not many Recruiters ask the Principals if their happy. Sometimes their not. Call us and have a chat...

Placed Australia have strong working relationships with most of Australia's biggest franchise networks, independents and boutiques. Yes, we move entire teams on occasion although we mainly focus on helping individual Agents find the right home, where they can really start to see the right results from their efforts in Real Estate...

If a change is what you need, and you already have experience selling Real Estate, and you feel moving now might be just the ticket to better results in the next 12-months, please reach out to any one of our specialist Real Estate Recruiters @ Placed Australia and we can facilitate some meetings with other Agencies that would love to help you double or triple your GCI.

You can also leave us a message using the chat icon (below right) and we will get back to you ASAP...

You might also like to read the article on "What people earn in Real Estate - Can Selling Real Estate Make you Rich?" to help you work out if Real Estate is the right business for you...

If you want help getting interviews, contact any one of the team today. We take care of everything for you. Our Recruitment service is always free to Job Seekers...

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